Read with me! I love sharing books that I’ve found either helpful or insightful in my learning. I would love to know what you think, discover and enjoy from this suggested reading list.

  • Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra

    A comprehensive guide to understanding the power of quantum healing and how it can help us live healthier, happier lives. In this book, Chopra draws on his extensive knowledge of Eastern medicine and spirituality to explain how our minds are connected to our bodies Buy it here!

  • The Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton

    Bruce Lipton offers a revolutionary new way to understand biology. He argues that our beliefs – not just our DNA – play an essential role in our physical health. Buy it here.

  • The Quantum Self by Danah Zohar

    This book examines the idea of quantum consciousness and explores how quantum physics can be used to explain human behavior. Through her research, Zohar believes that our behavior is shaped by patterns of quantum energy that exist beyond our conscious awareness. Buy it here.

  • Anam Cara by John O'Donohue

    An inspiring and insightful exploration of the timeless and transformative power of Celtic spirituality. This book helps readers to unlock their inner wisdom and reach a place of spiritual connection with themselves, each other, and the divine. Order it now!

  • The Chakras by C.W. Leadbeater

    Explore the various energy centers in the body and how they affect our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. This book outlines a comprehensive system of seven chakras which are said to be connected with different aspects of our being. Order it now!

  • Mystics: A thousand paths to a single door by Joseph B. Lumpkin

    This book provides an in-depth exploration into the concept of mysticism, and how it can be used as a tool for spiritual growth and development. Check it out now!

  • Ayurveda: The science of self healing by Dr. Vasant Lad

    A comprehensive guide to understanding and practicing the ancient healing science of Ayurveda. This book outlines the basic principles of Ayurveda, such as the five elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) and explains how they can be used to heal and maintain health. Get yours now!

  • The greatest manifestation principle in the world by Carnelian Sage

    A must-read for anybody looking to tap into the power of quantum healing and uncover their highest potential. In this book, Sage takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, exploring how we can access the power of quantum healing to manifest our deepest desires. Buy it now!

  • Healing mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand

    ECheck it out now!xplore the power of ancient Vedic mantras and how they can be used for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Drawing on his deep knowledge of Sanskrit and Vedic philosophy, Ashley-Farrand outlines a comprehensive system of healing mantras that can be used to balance the body, mind and spirit. Check it out now!

  • Emotional intelligence: mindfulness complied by the Harvard Business Review

    Explore the power of mindfulness as a tool for enhancing emotional intelligence. Drawing on an interdisciplinary approach that combines Eastern wisdom with Western science, this book offers readers a comprehensive understanding of mindfulness and its potential for personal transformation. Check it out now!